Monday 22nd June English and Maths

Hi everyone,

I hope you all had a super weekend. Thank you all for the brilliant work you did last week for diversity week. This week is PE themed. You will see the afternoon activity in a separate post.


Today we are going to be looking at counting to 100. Start by watching the video: Monday video

Next, have a go at the worksheet: Monday activity

Using a 100 square may be helpful today: HundredSquare

For those of you who are confident with the worksheet, move on to these challenges:

number challenges year 1


As we have a sporty theme running through this week, today we are going to be thinking of all the ways we can stay healthy. Watch this short clip from the BBC Bitesize website: Keeping healthy video

In the video, you will have seen people doing things to stay fit and healthy, but you may also have also seen things which are very bad for you! Can you make a list of all the brilliant things people can do to stay healthy? Then, using your list, make an information poster, leaflet or booklet to educate others about the importance of doing these things to stay physically well. Try to include different sentence types in your work, so some statements using full stops, questions with question marks and sentences that would need exclamation marks. Make sure you read back your sentences to check your punctuation; EVERY sentence should have a capital letter!

You could choose to do your poster using the WriteRead website that you used for your plant books if you want to use the computer. Remember that your logon is your initials (so mine would be HG) and the class code is kxeg: WriteReader website

If you prefer to use paper, then here is a template for a leaflet. Do not print page 1, and choose whether you want the lined version (page 2) or the blank version (page 3): Leaflet-Template

Big hugs to you all,

Mrs Garcia x