Monday 22nd February

Good morning everyone, I hope you all had a lovely half term holiday and you all enjoyed a week off learning at home. Wasn’t it nice that it wasn’t so cold!? We’ll be starting off nice and easy today to ease you back into the swing of things.


Morning Activity

This morning I would like you to have a go at the ‘I Spy and Read’ activity below. There are two to choose from, if you are feeling confident with your reading then go for the Phase 3 version. If you feel like you need a bit of an easier one today then go for Phase 2. You could even do both if you are up for it!

Phase 2

Phase 3


Letters and Sounds

Today we are going to be recapping the ch, sh, th and ng sounds that we learnt at the end of the last half term. You might want to get your sound mat ready for today!

Monday 22nd



Last half term, we started looking at addition and we are going to do a little bit more work on it this week. When we are adding numbers together, the answer gets bigger and we end up with more than we had to start off with. Today, we are going to start off the week by adding on one more to a number.

When we add numbers together, we write a number sentence.If I had 8 blocks and put one more on, then my number sentence would look like this:


Today, I want you to find one more than a number and to have a go at writing the number sentence. To do this how we would in school, you need to follow these steps.

Step 1

What number is it? Make a tower with that many blocks and write the number down. 8

Step 2

Add one more on to your tower. Then write the add symbol. 8+

How many blocks have you added? 1! So write that number next. 8+1

Step 3

Now we need to write an equals sign in our number sentence. That is the sign we put before the answer, it’s just two lines on top of each other! 8+1=

Step 4

Now we need to find out how many blocks we have altogether to find out what the answer is. Count up how many blocks you have now and write the answer. 8+1=9


Have a go at finding one more and writing the number sentences for the following numbers:

3, 7, 2, 5, 6, 4, 9


Grown ups – this might seem like it takes a long time at first, but keep at it! It’s the first time we have done this, so take your time and the more confident they become, the quicker they will get!


Afternoon activity

Today it is PE! Have a go at either the Cosmic Kids or PE session below. Or get out and do your own form of exercise – walking, running, biking, scooting… Whatever you fancy!

PE Activity



There is a story on Tapestry for you to enjoy at the end of your learning today.


Have a brilliant first day back to home learning everyone!

Miss Roberts x