Monday 22nd February

Good morning everyone, I hope you all had a really lovely half term and you are ready to do a little more fantastic learning!

Our maths this week is all measuring.  We are going to be measuring the weight or mass of objects and hopefully have a little bit of time to do some cooking too later in the week.

To get our brains warmed up, I’d like you to have a little look at this popular game.  Today I’d like you to practise your number bonds for 10 and 20, if you are very confident, try 13 or 14.  Just match the pairs of numbers and as long as the paths between them has no more than 2 turns, they will match.

Number Bonds Matching Game


What I would like you to do now, is have a little look at your kitchen scales.  Lots of us have digital scales at home but the scales we are going to read are on a dial, a bit like a clock.  Work through this PowerPoint, there is lots of facts to remember today.

Monday PowerPoint

More or less than 1kg chart


Have a little brain break!


For our English, we are going to begin a new topic.  For the next few weeks we are going to be focusing on explanations.  Explanation texts explain how something works or how something happens.

To begin with, we are going to be thinking about the life cycle of a frog.  Today, I would like you to read this explanation all about the process of a frog’s egg becoming a fully grown frog.  This is called metamorphosis. This is a really big scientific word which means change,  a creature that begins it’s life as one thing, then changes into another.

Today our work is all about vocabulary and getting to know new words.  In my explanation there are lots of new words.  Words you may not yet know.  I would like you to read the text, if you need a little help sounding out some of the words, ask someone at home to give you a hand when they have a minute.  I have included a dictionary to help explain some of the more difficult words.  Use the dictionary to help you understand those tricky words.    It is really important that you learn and use some of these new words because they will help you to explain the life cycle scientifically.

When you have read and understood the life cycle, see if you can explain it to someone at home using some of the scientific vocabulary.

Life Cycle of a Frog


Here are your spellings for this week.

Blue spellings 22.2.21

Green spellings 22.2.21

Yellow spellings 22.2.21

Please can you practise your reading skills.  This information is all about famous author and comedian David Walliams.  Comprehension 3 is the most challenging.

David Walliams Reading Comprehension 1

David Walliams Reading Comprehension 2

David Walliams Reading Comprehension 3

This afternoon we are beginning are new topic for this half term.  We are going to be finding out all about the amazing continent of Africa.

I would like to you begin by writing down a list of things you already know about Africa.

  • Do you know where it is on a globe?
  • Can you name any African countries?
  • What food comes from Africa?
  • What animals live in Africa?
  • What is the climate like there?

You may know lots about Africa or you may not know very much yet, but writing down what you know is a good place to begin.

At 2.30 I am going to read the next chapter of The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark.  It’s called Dark is kind.  I’ve sent an invitation to your school email addresses.  I hope you can come and have a listen.

Have a lovely Monday everyone.

Let me know how you are doing.

Mrs Pope x