Monday 1st March

Good morning everyone, I hope you have all had a lovely weekend. This is the last week of learning at home before you all come back into school next week – I am SO excited to see you all! One more week, you can do it!


Morning activity

Have a go on the activity below this morning. Please have a go on the ordering activity and then select the level that suits you best. For most people that will be either forwards 1-10 or backwards 10-1, but some of you will be able to work with numbers up to 20. Just make sure that you don’t select a level that’s too easy! 

Caterpillar Ordering

Letters and Sounds

Monday 1st March



Over the next couple of days we are going to learn about capacity, this means how full something is. Today I would like you to have a little look at all the containers that you have in your house this might be tupperware, washing up bowls, cups etc. Can you put them in order from the container that holds the most to the container that holds the least.

Have a look at your smallest container, if you filled this up with water, how many containers full would it take to fill up your biggest container? Have a go and find out!

Then can you show your grown up that you know what full means by filling a container up? Can you show them you know what half full means? And empty?

Finally – can you select the cup that you think would be best for making your favourite drink.Why have you selected that one?


Afternoon activity

It is our PE day today. Have a go at the yoga below, or get outside and get some fresh air instead.

You’ll need to skip to about 6 minutes in before the yoga activity starts.



There is a story on Tapestry for you today.


Have a brilliant day everyone!

Miss Roberts xx