Monday 1st June: Home Learning

Warm up: Sumdog or TTRockstars
Main task: We will be working through the White Rose home learning tasks and videos for the wb 1st June. Watch the first video today (on fractions and percentages) and then complete the task.
Click on this link and scroll down for the Year 6 task.

Our focus today is revising synonyms (words with similar meanings) and antonyms (words with the opposite meaning). Work through the video and quizzes on the BBC Daily Lesson and then complete the task.
BBC Daily Lesson
pdf (4)

Afternoon Task: Science
We are going to use the Oak National Academy for our science lessons this half-term and with their help, revise and deepen our understanding of Evolution and Inheritance. You might want to print out the Pupil Booklet (below) to help you with these lessons. Remember – you should not try and complete the booklet in one go! These lessons are designed to take half a term of science lessons.
Oak National Academy – What is the Theory of Evolution?
PUPIL BOOKLET_Y5 Au2 Fossils and Animals over time.189945553