Monday 1st June

Good morning everybody and welcome to the second half of the summer term! I hope you all had a lovely half term break.

I am in school everyday from now on, so I may take a little longer to reply to emails but bear with me, I will reply.  I love seeing what you are doing and how hard you are all working.

So, let’s get started!

Morning Maths:

Morning Maths

Let’s start with a little bit of counting in  2s, 5s, 10s. You can always colour the pictures in when you are done.


We are continuing with the White Rose Maths programme.

If you are looking at Year 1 or Year 3, Mr Morris has kindly put the resources on for the week on our School News page.

Here is the link for the video. Remember we are on Week 6, Lesson 1.

Here are the sheets.



Today I’d like you to watch a video named ‘Bubbles’.   This is going to be the basis of our writing for the next couple of weeks.  Please watch it 2 or 3 times until you are really familiar with what happens to the little girl. Then I’d like you to explain to somebody at home what happens in the film.

Now you have watched the film, think about how the little girl (whose name is Gabby) is feeling at the beginning of the story.  How do you know?  What clues are there to tell you about her feelings.

How do you think she feels at the end of the film? How do you know?

I’d like you to make a storyboard for the film.  This is simply breaking the film down into parts and showing that you are familiar with the plot.  You can do this on the sheet below or just on a piece of plain paper.

Think about what is happening in each of the eight sections and draw or write it down.

Storyboard Sheet


This week we are looking at adverbs ending with ly.

Here is a PowerPoint for you to have a look at.

#Lesson Presentation Adverbs with -ly

So, now you recognise that an adverb describes a verb and often ends with ly.  Have a go at this sheet, see if you can spot all the adverbs.

Activity Sheet Spot the Adverbs

Here are your spellings for this week.  You have all got adverbs ending with ly.

Blue Group spellings week 6

Green Group spellings week 6

Purple Group spellings week 6

Yellow Group spellings week 6

Have a practise.  What happens to a word ending in y when you turn it into an adverb?

Monday afternoons are PE and art.


Have a go at dancing like a dinosaur!


This half term we are going to have a look at collage in our art work.  I’d like you to have a look at the pictures below.

Today, I’d like you to collect some natural materials from your walk or from the garden.  Make sure they are things you are allowed to use, please do not chop down anybodies prize winning roses for your art work!

Now, using the materials you have collected and some paper and glue, create a picture or pattern using them.  You can use pens or paints to add detail to your artwork. Have fun with it.

Have a lovely day, keep me posted on how you are getting on.

Mrs Pope x