Monday 1st June

Hello everyone,

I hope you have all had a lovely half term, hasn’t the weather been amazing!? Hopefully you all managed to enjoy the sun and have a good rest. I am now going to be in school full time, so although I won’t be able to respond as quickly as usual, I really do still want to see what you’ve been up to throughout the day. I’m missing you all lots!

We are going to start this half term with Understanding the World, Literacy and Letters and Sounds.


Understanding the World:

We are going to be learning about minibeasts over the next few weeks (think bees, worms, ladybirds, ants, slugs etc.) Today I would like you to learn about their habitat (this is the scientific word for where they live). To start off with, have a little look at the PowerPoint below to help you.

Minibeast Habitats

Hopefully that has helped you understand a little bit more about where minibeasts might live. Now I would like you to have a go at the sheet below. You will need to remember what you have learnt in the PowerPoint and cut and stick the minibeasts into the correct habitat.

Minibeast Habitat Cut and Stick




Now that you have learnt all about minibeasts and their habitats, I would like you to do some writing about them. I’d like you to write a sentence about where each minibeast lives, the sentences can be simple like this:

A bee lives in a hive.

A caterpillar lives under leaves.

As always, write about as many minibeasts as you like (just one sentence is fine if that’s all you can manage) and share the writing with your grown up as much as you need to. I know we might need to ease back into work slowly this week!


Letters and Sounds

Today we are going to recap the ‘ow’ sound. Remember, on our sound mat it is ‘ow like cow’ and the action is to pretend we’ve pricked our finger and say ‘ow’.

Can you read the following words and sort them into real and silly words? Write them down in a list if you like, or just read them and identify if they are real or silly – up to you!

cow, town, cown, bow, chowl, owf, owl, zow, gown, towd


Have a lovely day everyone,

Miss Roberts x