Monday 1st June

I hope everyone had a fabulous half term and enjoyed the fantastic weather we had.

We now enter into the last half term of Year 5. During this half term I will be in school every day with key worker children. The only difference this will make to you and the children is that I might not be able to reply to comments and emails as quickly as normal. Where possible I will try and catch up at lunchtime and then after school.

I will still be posting work for the children to do on a daily basis. I will try to make sure this is available from around 7:30pm the night before.

As a result of this being the last half term in Year 5 I want to start preparing the children for Year 6. The work for the majority of the days will now consist of links to whiterose (for maths) and KS2 bitesize for all other lessons. Alongside this you will see extra links for maths and English most days with questions being taken from old SATs papers.

If you want your children to stay with whiterose and bitesize and leave SATs papers until next year that is fine. If you want to just try a few of the questions that is also fine. I just want to give everyone a heads up to expectations for next year and hopefully for you to see it should hold very few fears.

I am also aware that for some children just dipping into some of the work is appropriate and that they are completing different activities with their families.

There is no right and wrong what the children should be completing so please do not worry if your child is doing something different to others.

Remember if you have any questions to ask