Monday 1st February

Good morning everyone, it’s a new month today! Do you know what month it is? Maybe you could have a look on the calendar and see if you can find it. What letter does it start with? Can you use your word builder and sound out the first three letters?


Morning activity

This morning I have a cut and stick activity for you. In school we use something called Numicon, which are number shapes. Numicon has different shapes and colours to represent each number.

Can you cut the numicon shapes out and stick them into the right order to represent the numbers 1-10?

Ordering Numicon


Letters and Sounds

Monday 1st



This week we are learning about money and today I would like you to look at and become familiar with all the coins that we use.

If you have any coins at home, can you sort them out into different piles based on the colour.

You should end up with a pile of copper coins, a pile of silver coins and a pile of gold coins. But now look a little bit closer – do all the coins in each pile look the same? Maybe now you could sort them out depending on the shape and size of them.

Once you have finished sorting them out you should end up with 8 piles of coins.

Now, look at each coin, can you see any numbers on them? This is how much they are worth! Can you find a coin with a number 1 on it? How about a number 2? What other numbers can you spot on the coins?

Once you have finished sorting out the coins and having a good look at them, can you think of some of the things that you might need to use money for?

If you don’t have any coins at home at the moment, then there’s a sheet with different coins on here.

Coin Mat


Afternoon activity

This afternoon it’s our PE day. I’ve got a yoga session for you to complete if you’d like to. 

If you don’t fancy yoga, then maybe go on a bike ride or a walk or just get out into the garden for a little bit. Fresh air is so important to keep our brains healthy, and going outside always makes me feel a little bit happier straight away.



There is a story on Tapestry for you today.


Have a marvellous day. I can’t wait to see you all on the Teams meeting this week! I will post details of this later on today (Monday).

Miss Roberts x