Monday 13th July

It is the last week of term and today it is our picnic day. I am really looking forward to seeing lots of you at 12:30!

Activity suggestions for the whole week.

I am going to put a list of activity suggestions for the whole week. Please choose which activities you would like to do. You do not need to do them all.

  • If you would like to continue with the White Rose Maths lessons then please do. Mrs Garcia has put the lessons for the week on the school news page.
  • Research a famous person you are inspired by. Write their life story.
  • How many star jumps can you do in a minute? You could draw a bar graph to show your highest daily total.
  • Take part in a P.E. session with Joe Wicks.
  • Have a go at the square of numbers challenge. Your challenge is to put the numbers 1 to 8 into the circles so that the four calculations are correct.

  • Play a board game.
  • Bake a cake with an adult. Your challenge then is to write the instructions for it, so I can try to make it in the Summer holidays!