Monday 13th July

Hi everyone,

Hopefully you have all seen Mr Langford’s post about the last week of term. If we were in school we would be doing very little Literacy or Maths this week because we would be busy doing other things such as watching the Year 6 leavers performance, playing outside, going to church, watching a film etc. so with that in mind, today I’m going to post suggestions of things for you to try throughout the week (remember you don’t have to do everything).

  • do some baking or cook something new
  • play a game with your family
  • go on a walk
  • look for different flowers and leaves – how many can you spot?
  • build something amazing out of Lego or Duplo, maybe a castle, a robot or an animal
  • tidy your room!
  • help with jobs around the house
  • sit and watch a film (maybe in your pyjamas)
  • have a water fight!
  • splash around in the paddling pool
  • do some artwork
  • challenge yourself to see how quickly you can get changed by yourself AND fold your clothes up
  • read lots of books
  • help organise something in the house
  • come to school for a picnic!
  • try a science experiment
  • play lots of games on Phonics Play
  • and just have fun!

I am very proud of you all and I hope you have a lovely last week of term. I’m looking forward to seeing some (if not all) of you on Wednesday for our class picnic. I’ve missed you all a lot!!

Miss Roberts x