Monday 11th May

Hello everyone,

I hope you all enjoyed your bank holiday weekend, wasn’t the weather glorious? We had an afternoon tea street party on Friday to celebrate VE day, so we sat out on our front lawn and chatted to lots of our neighbours, lots of people had put up bunting and flags and we listened to music. A few people from my village who play brass instruments also played the Last Post in their gardens at 11 for us all to hear. It was a very special day, I hope you managed to do something lovely too. It’s back to learning now though, and today we will be doing Maths, Literacy and Letters and Sounds.



Today we are going to have a go at counting in 10s up to 100. Once you do this lots of times you will be able to do it without thinking! I have got a 100 square for you to have a look at, what I would like you to do is count along the 100 square until you get to 10 and then colour it in, then count on 10 more from there and colour that number in, carry on until you get to 100. What do you notice about all the numbers you have coloured in? You should have coloured in 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 100 which go down in a straight line! If you hide the 0 at the end of each number, what do you notice about the start of each number? That’s right – they go up in ones!

There is a 100 square to print out, or if you would prefer, there is an online version.

100 Square



Well done on all your Jack and the Beanstalk stories, I was so impressed with how much writing you all managed by the end of the week! We are going to start working on a new story this week, which is the Gingerbread Man. If you have the story at home, then please read that. If not, I’ve included an online version of the story below, as well as a video.

The Gingerbread Man

Once you have listened to or watched the story, can you please answer the following questions (just answering them verbally is fine, no need to write down the answers).

  1. Who are the different characters in the story?
  2. Why did the Old Lady bake a Gingerbread Man?
  3. What did the Gingerbread Man sing?
  4. Why do you think the Gingerbread Man couldn’t get across the river by himself?
  5. Should the Gingerbread Man have trusted the Fox? Why?


Letters and Sounds:

Today I would like you to have a go at the worksheet below. There are different ‘ch’ and ‘sh’ pictures for you to write the words underneath. You can do this one of two ways, you could read the words at the bottom and copy them into the right boxes, or if you fancy a challenge then cut the words off and write the words using your sound mat and word builder!

‘ch’ and ‘sh’ Worksheet


Have a lovely, lovely day!

Miss Roberts x


p.s. I am working in school with the Key Worker children today, so I won’t be able to reply as quickly or as much as usual, but I will still be looking at everything you send me.