Monday 11th January

Hi everyone,


I hope you had a lovely weekend, thank you to everyone who has sent me their home learning from last week – you’ve been doing a brilliant job! Here is our work for today…


Morning Work

Can you have a go at writing all your numbers to 9? I want you to concentrate on forming them all properly rather than rushing. There is a number formation sheet below to help you, if you would like to use it.

Don’t forget the rhymes that we say when we form each of our numbers – there is a video for this, but unfortunately as it’s in a password protected website, I can’t upload it onto the website for you. Hopefully you are able to remember the rhymes yourselves!

Number Formation


Letters and Sounds

Today I’m trying something new – I hope it works! I have recorded some audio over a PowerPoint for our Letters and Sounds session. Have a look through the PowerPoint to learn our new sound ‘j’.

J Sound

After giong through the PowerPoint, have a watch of the Mr Thorne video below.



This week we are going to start doing some work on subtraction and today we are going to start by finding one less than a number. Grab 10 objects to help you with this activity (Lego, counters, small toys, pieces of pasta).

Can you count out the following amount of your object, then take one away to find out what is one less than that number?

8, 2, 5, 9, 1, 6, 3, 7, 10, 4

For example, count out 8 pieces of Lego, then take one away and count up how many you have left to find out the answer. You can write down how many you have left at the end if you would like to, but you don’t need to – the purpose of this activity is to do lots of counting.


Afternoon activity

Today I would like you to have a think about emergency and rescue vehicles. Below, there are some pictures of emergency vehicles and the people who operate them. With your grown up, can you discuss the names of each of these vehicles (e.g. ambulance, lifeboat etc.) and the names of the people who operate them (paramedic, firefighter).

Have a look at the different vehicles – what do they have on them that make them different to other vehicles (e.g. a siren, bright colours). Why do you think they need these things on them?

There is no need to print these pictures off, or write anything down. Today’s activity is just to have a discussion about emergency vehicles, think about the jobs that they do and why they need to look different to other vehicles.

People And Vehicles That Help Us



I have uploaded a story on to Tapestry for you. It has been tricky to upload a new story every day, but I will make sure that there are at least two stories every week for you to enjoy at home.


Have a lovely day,

Miss Roberts