Monday 1.2.21

Good morning everyone.  I hope you are all well rested and ready for a bit more home learning.

For our maths today we are returning to multiplication.  We are going to have a quick reminder about how we use arrays.

Have a look at the PowerPoint, you will need to have a pencil and paper ready to go.

Monday PowerPoint

100 square

Here are your sheets. As always, Sheet 3 is the trickiest.

Sheet 1

Sheet 2

Sheet 3

Please can you practise your spellings.  In class, sometimes we practise our spellings  by writing them BIG, small and  without looking at all.  You could try this at home.

Have a little brain break…


For your English today, you are continuing with your Rainforest Creature Report.  On Friday you started writing your report.  Today you are going to have another 20  minutes or so to continue writing.  Please can you take lots of care with your presentation.  You need to show that you can use these features of a report when you are writing yours.

  • A bright colourful title
  • Sub-headings to tell the reader what each paragraph is about
  • A description of your animal (this is the introduction)
  • A paragraph about what your animal eats – its prey
  • A paragraph about what eats your animal- its predators
  • A paragraph about where your creature lives – its habitat
  • Pictures of your creature with labels
  • A fact box with your 3 facts in it
  • Lots of lovely, bright decoration to make the reader want to read it.

Write for about 20 minutes.  Then put it all in a safe place for Tuesday, when we will continue with it.  Remember to make it bright, colourful and inviting to the reader.

If you would like to do some handwriting, here is the paper and a short video to show you the joins to practise.

Handwriting paper

Blue and Green spellings handwriting

Yellow spellings handwriting

Here is a reading comprehension about artist Georgia O’Keefe.  Earlier this year, we looked at some of her amazing paintings of flowers and then used this as inspiration for our own work.  Have a read and see what you can remember.  As always, 3 is the trickiest.

Comprehension 1

Comprehension 2

Comprehension 3

This afternoon I thought we would go on a little school visit.  I have found a lovely website which is a virtual rainforest tour.  Have a little look at the amazing creatures.  I hope you have a fantastic time.  The video has got some lovely videos and great information. Obviously, the sloth video is my favourite!  it’s filmed in double time so you can actually see them moving.

Rainforest Visit

I hope you have a lovely day,

let me know how you get on.

Mrs Pope x