Message from Mary Webb School for Y6 children

Dear parent/carer,

We are looking forward to inviting Y6 with parents/carers to our Open Evening this week and to our series of Open Mornings between now and half term.


Due to the increase in Covid-19 cases in your primary school community you will understand our request that you book onto an Open Morning later this half term instead of coming to our Open Evening. Apologies for any disappointment this causes. You will receive a call from our reception team to make individual arrangements if you had already booked on.


There will be a number of opportunities to see the school during this year as we work with your child and their primary school on a full transition programme. I am sure you understand our need to ensure all our school communities remains safe and well. Indeed, you will also find several department videos on our website (Y7 transition page) to explore with your child.


We look forward to seeing you later in the half term on one of our Open Mornings if you are well and able to do so:

Open Mornings: Friday 1st, Monday 4th, Wednesday 6th, Friday 8th, Monday 11th, Wednesday 13th, Friday 15th, Monday 18th, Wednesday 20th and Friday 22nd October, 9:15 -10:00am – book by ringing school on 01743 792100.


Yours sincerely,

Mr P Lowe-Werrell
