Home Learning Thursday 21.1.21


Time to consolidate your learning on place value. Below are a couple of websites I would like the children to visit to help practise what they have learnt. All good fun, with a little bit of learning thrown in!

A great website to create your own 3 or even 4 digit numbers. You can show them as Base Ten, Arrow Cards or even as abacus beads. Its very visual and useful if children are still struggling.


Below is a game perfect for your child’s learning. You can select an appropriate level and the children need to select the right number to keep the sharks away!


or you try this for a little challenge! –Lesson 4 game

Board Games If parents have got time to spare or you have brothers and sisters you could play with here are a couple of board games you could play. The instructions are on the sheets.

Game 1 – Follows the same idea as Snakes and Ladders the games are differentiated so you can pick a level to suit you.

recognising-place-value-threedigit-numbers-board-game Snakes and Ladders

Game 2 – Another board game based on selecting the right match/pair.

Place Value Game Board                        Place Value Game Cards

Game 3 Another board game where they must take change the number depending on the instruction on the board. A little harder then the others.


English– See Mrs Hilditch’s post on Monday.

Reading Comprehension – World Religion Day was on the 18th January. Have a go at an appropriate comprehension to help you learn a little more about it.

Remember – * Easiest   ** Medium     *** Challenge

World religion day differentiated reading comprehension


LO: To Investigate the effects of friction on different surfaces.

Following on from our jelly investigation last week, we are planning to conduct a whole class investigation into Friction.

We will introduce the investigation and carry it out as a class.

Below is a link to the lesson PowerPoint which will be important to go through.

Lesson Presentation Faster and Slower Mr Boffey

If you wish to conduct a further investigation at home then you will need:

  • A book, tray, placemat or similar (to use as a ramp)
  • A snack bar or similar e.g a penguin bar
  • Aluminium foil
  • Bubble wrap
  • Any other material which you can wrap around the snack bar etc.

Instructions for at home investigation.

  • Place the snack bar on the flat ramp and slowly raise the ramp at one end to observe when it begins to slide. How high did it go? Perhaps you could get someone at home to measure the height of the ramp?
  • Wrap the snack bar in a different material and repeat step 1 and observe/discuss any variation.
  • Repeat step with other materials and observe. Finally, you can unwrap your snack and discover how must friction the chocolate creates

Below is a link where you can watch and discuss a similar investigation with your child.

Pause clip halfway and discuss with children what they think will happen.  Watch to the end and discuss their predictions.

If you wish, you can record your results on the sheet below.

Results table for Science