Wednesday 6th

Half way through the week!!!!

I am very sorry about the problems with sumdog yesterday. If your child is having problems logging in please contact me.

Today we have maths, english, science, art and PE

A reminder that lots of work will now be through KS2 bitesize home page

We are going to be using it from now on (unless there are problems with it) as White rose is finishing being free at the end of the week and the Oak Academy seems to not suit everybody. It is a site that sets more challenging work so some might still like to use it. Oak national. It also means things are generally in one place for english and maths. Sumdog and literacy planet will still be used as extra support and for differentiation. If people want to use other sites that is fine.

KS2 bitesize for maths, English and science will take you to the home page. This takes youstraight to the year 5 page. Then go to 6 May. Maths is short division with remainders.  and the English is using alliteration and onomatopoeia in setting description.

The competitions posted on Monday continue on sumdog for maths, spellings and grammar. Children can choose to complete a challenge appropriate for their ability.

For further differentiated English tasks new ones are available on literacy planet

If your child has finished reading a book they could complete a quiz on accelerated reader

The link for Science is a lesson on how plants reproduce which links well with the planting the children have been doing.

PE. It would be great (weather permitting )for the children to go on a bike ride or go for a walk.

Art. It would be nice for the children to carry on with draw with Rob. There have been fantastic efforts so far. when we return to school we will have to have an exhibition.

Finally – if it is a nice day leave some of these lessons and go out in the garden, go for a nature walk or make something.