
The worksheets for White rose are by subscription only. As a school we have purchased the subscription and the link will be here. You will NOT be able to access the worksheets on the Whiterose website.

The videos ARE still available and working on the site though. A lot of the children are NOT watching the videos and going straight to the worksheets. The problem with this is that they are then getting things wrong or do not understand the work.

Last week was perimeter and one child did it as area and three others said they did not understand the work.

There is also an answer sheet so the children can see how they got on.

Bitesize is following the same activities as white rose and also have a video and worksheets. I do not mind if you use white rose or bitesize.

The topic today is area of rectangles.

The video for  White rose videos is here. The worksheet is here and these are the answers Those that complete year 6 the worksheet is here and these are the answers

If you prefer bitesize the video and activities are here.

It is also good for the children to continue practising their times tables or going on TT rockstars