
Session 1 Maths

As we have been using our multiplication and division facts this week and we would usually have our times tables test on a Friday, today I would just like you to practise your tables using TT rockstars and Hit the button

If you try to log in to tt rockstars between 9:30 and 10:00am you should be able to play in the arena section against the others in our class if you know their Avatar name – I’m Lana Chamberlain for those who want to take me on!

Please ensure you try times tables and division facts.  You need to know at least your 10, 2, 5, 3, 4, 8s by the end of year 3.  So try as many of those tables as you can.

There are no shortcuts to learning times tables facts, it’s just practise, practise, practise, but at least these websites make it a bit more fun.