Letter from Mr Langford for parents of our Reception children

Dear Room 4 Parents,

Re:  Collecting your child at the end of the school day

It has come to our attention that quite a few Reception children are being allowed to run freely round the school premises after being collected at 3.15pm.  This is not only a health and safety issue, but is also a poor example to our other pupils as well as the new September intake of young children who will be having their induction days soon.

We would ask that once you have collected your child from the Room 4 door, that you ensure they stay with you at all times, preferably holding your hand until you leave the school premises.

All children not in after-school clubs or attending The Ark are expected to have left the premises by 3.30pm at the latest as it creates confusion and hazards for sports coaches and other staff who are running clubs or manning the playground at the end of the school day.

This is something we ask of all EYFS and KS1 children.  Unfortunately, we are not a public playing field and cannot be used as such.

We appreciate your co-operation in this matter from now on.

Yours sincerely,
