Key Workers

Dear Parents

I would be very grateful if you would contact school today by 2.00pm at the latest to inform us if you feel you are a ‘Key Worker’ in the fight against Corona virus, as identified in the government advice.

Please bear in mind that the advice clearly states:

“If children can stay safely at home, they should, to limit the chance of the virus spreading.”

The school phone number is 01743 790226.

Many thanks to those who responded via the website form yesterday. Unfortunately, we do not have sufficient responses to be able to allocate our places for Monday yet.

Parents of those children who we are able to offer a place to, will be contacted directly today. We will require ID/evidence of your place of work when you drop your child off.

Please note, places allocated are not on a full-time Monday to Friday basis, but limited to school cover provided for the hours and days you specifically work.

Mr Langford