Key Arthog Packing Information

Hello Year 6!!!
Only 4 sleeps to go until our trip to Arthog!
Just a few details to clarify before our visit.
On Monday, please arrive at normal school time and come straight into the school hall through the main front doors bringing your bags with you.  (Check you can carry/ wheel/drag your bag by yourself!)
Please bring a small rucksack for the coach with: a packed lunch to eat when we arrive, a plastic water bottle, a book, puzzle book or magazine for the coach journey.  (A reminder that NOTHING electronic should be brought at all.)
Arthog have kindly requested that we wear a face covering while on the minibuses.  .  This is the only time children will be asked to wear a face covering as it is a small enclosed space. The Arthog staff will wear face masks on board to help protect our children as they come into contact with many different groups of children from different schools.  They have requested that we wear a face covering to help protect their staff so that they can continue to operate safely.  The minibus journeys are only about 15 minutes as most activity sites are local to the centre.  Please put your face covering in your rucksack as we will be transferred to the minibuses from our coach drop off point on arrival. 
You will be given a yellow letter.  You will need to complete this if your child will require medication during their stay.  Please complete this form carefully and bring it on Monday along with all of their medication which must be clearly labelled with your child’s name.  Please give both the medication and the letter to Mrs Giles on Monday morning. Children with asthma must ensure they bring another inhaler (we will take our school ones too so that we have two – just in case) and their preventer inhaler if they take this morning and evening.
Please bring any money for the gift/tuck shop in a sealed, clearly named envelope.  Please hand this in to Mrs Hilditch in the hall on Monday for safe keeping.
Please also send a couple of bin bags to bag up any dirty/muddy clothes to help keep the rest of their clothes clean and dry.
Please bring a small teddy -this will be a huge comfort to some children and a small torch for our night-time walk.
We cannot stress enough how important it is to label your child’s clothes – trying to sort 34 pairs of black muddy trousers while trying to pack on the last day can be a nightmare! It is also really helpful for your child if they put their clothes into their bags themselves – with your support – so that they are familiar with what they have brought.
When we arrive at Arthog, we will send a message to school and they will send out a text to you all.  We will also try our best to take photos and post on our class page so you can see what we have been getting up to, so please check the website.
We should arrive back at school on Friday afternoon to be collected at normal going home time.  If we are late for any reason we will send a text message.
We are really looking forward to Monday and hope you all are too!
Mrs Hilditch, Mrs Davies, Mrs Giles and Mr Rogers.