Just a few things…

Good evening everybody, I hope you are all well. I thought I’d send a short post with some useful information.

Our PE this term is going to be on a Wednesday.  Please can all children come to school wearing appropriate PE clothing. If they have pieced ears, can they be taped and can long hair be tied up.  The children will be outside all afternoon so they will need a water bottle and a cap or sun hat as the water gets warmer.

we are going to continue to do a little gardening on a Tuesday, but no special clothing is needed for this.

Spellings went home today for our test on Friday, normally they will go home every Friday ready to learn at home for the following Friday.  Please can all children bring their red Spellling Books in to school every Friday so that they can glue in their next set of spellings and you can see how they do in their tests.

For the moment, we are continuing to change reading books every Monday and Thursday. Please can you send reading books in to be changed on those days.  We have got books in school for the children to read so these are just their home reading books.  If you find any of our books at home, we are missing quite a few in school. Please send any read books back as soon as possible so that other children can take them home.

We will do ‘Show and Tell’ on Fridays. If the children want to share a picture of something they are really proud of, please can you email it to me by 12 pm on Friday.

I will keep you posted about up and coming Forest School dates. We are hoping to get back to our outside learning pretty soon. Watch this space.

Have a lovely week everyone.

Mrs Pope