
July already. I hope you have remembered to say pinch, punch first day of the month. On the first day of the month I say white rabbits three times. It is supposed to bring me good luck. There are lots of transition activities still to do on the other page.

For maths I want the children to continuing to look at https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-4/ with lesson 4. This is from Year 4 whiterose because Year 5 and 6 is a repeat of work we have already covered. We have done very little graph work so this will benefit them.

Lesson-4-Line-graphs        Lesson-4-Answers-Line-graphs-1

For English I want you to find out about LS Lowry. He is a famous painter who was born in the Victorian period. He had a song written about him in the 1970’s that made number 1.

I would like you to research some information about him. LS Lowry will help with this.

There is then a video to watch that explains how he produced his paintings. It has been a while since we have done some art so have a go at trying to produce some art like his.

Good luck