It’s Comic Relief Red Nose Day tomorrow (Friday 19th March) – Dress as a hero/superhero!

A reminder of Mrs Hilditch’s original post:

Pablo wins 'red nose' charity Comic Relief | MAA

Friday, 19th March, is Red Nose Day.  We would love to celebrate this day, have fun and raise a bit of money for a good cause at the same time.  The theme for this year is ‘Superpowers!’ and we thought this was a great opportunity to get involved and celebrate a wide range of superheroes.

We have heard the phrase ‘Not all superheroes wear capes’ a lot over the past year and people’s superpowers have been demonstrated in many ways.  From our fantastic NHS doctors, nurses and paramedics, our amazing scientists who have created the vaccines, the charity work and campaigning of people like Marcus Rashford, supermarket workers working all the way through the pandemic, you – our amazing parents and carers who have worked incredibly hard to provide stability, care and education, while working from home and spinning 27 plates, to our amazing children who have dealt with a year of incredible change and uncertainty and have returned to school with the most amazing attitude, smiling faces and resilience – they have truly shown what little superheroes they are!

So with all of this in mind, we would like to ask the children to come to school next Friday the 19th March dressed as their superhero of choice – so they could come as Superman, Wonder Woman, a scientist, a doctor or get creative and invent their own superhero.  Basically anything goes so long as it is warm, comfortable and suitable to wear all day.  We also totally understand that it isn’t very easy to go shopping at the minute and we don’t want people to go out buying costumes – so please just do whatever you can – home made is great!!! There may be some prizes for the best efforts!

There will be a section in the shop on School Money where you can make a donation to Comic Relief.

We are looking forward to a fun filled day, having missed out on celebrating World Book Day we are hoping the children will really get involved and have fun.