Introducing SPORTS WEEK! (Advance Notice for wb 22nd June)

Sports week will take place from Mon 22nd June until Friday 26th June. We will all be working on different daily challenges, thinking about some important ideas and having loads of fun!

Usually our summer term Sports Day would look something like this:

Unfortunately, this year we can’t hold our ‘normal’ sports day. However, we are going to celebrate all sorts of sporting themes over the week.

Here are the themes for the week:

Monday – Fitness Fun
Tuesday – Role Models and Sporting Heroes
Wednesday – Perseverance
Thursday – Quidditch (and other unusual sports)
Friday – Sports Day Fun

Each day you will see a different physical challenge posted on the website for everyone to have a go at. We have tried to make these as accessible as possible so that whether you are 4 or 54 you can join in and have some fun!

You will also see an English task, a maths task and a creative afternoon activity being posted each day. You can share your work with your class teacher by emailing them photos or videos of work you are completing. We are still really keen to hear about how you are getting on.

What equipment will we need?
Hopefully nobody will need to go shopping – please don’t feel under any pressure to buy anything special. The only slightly unusual thing you might want to get hold of is a ping-pong ball or a power ball and some balloons. Don’t panic if you can’t get hold of these though, there will always be an alternative activity.

You will need:
– a stopwatch or timer on a phone/tablet
– a tape measure
– a pair of socks
– a hard-boiled egg and a wooden spoon
– a broom or a pole or hobby horse/reindeer
– a ball (ideally a couple – one of which is a ping-pong or power ball)
– a selection of pans and containers (cups, saucepans, buckets and bins!)
– a plastic bottle (drinks bottle size – for the bottle flip)
– a balloon
– junk modelling materials (raid your cardboard recycling box)
– paper and pencils
– trainers!