Important information about the new term

Welcome to September 2020! What an extraordinary year this has been – we are really excited about welcoming back our whole school community as we move into the Autumn term. Below is information that was shared on the website before the summer holidays. This is important information about the measures in place to avoid overcrowding at drop off and collection, for example.

General Information 

  • School uniform is to be worn as usual from 3rd of September. 
  • Children are to wear PE kits all day on days when they have PE. They will not be asked to change. Class teachers will post on their class pages to let you know what day(s) to expect PE.
  • All classes have designated sink areas for hand washing. These areas are not shared with other bubbles/classes and regular hand washing will be part of school life for the foreseeable future.
  • The school kitchen will be open as usual. Children will have their dinner in the hall in their class bubbles in separate sittings and discrete areas. Children may bring packed lunches if they wish; as always, children will not be allowed to share food and will be required to put any waste from their lunch into their own lunch box to take home.
  • Playtimes will be staggered and ‘bubbles’ will have designated zones in which to play. 
  • All requirements for children with Individual Learning Plans or Educational Health Care Plans, including visits from key professionals, will carry on as normal. 
  • Before and after school wraparound provision will start on 3rd September. 

Beginning and end of the day 

  • The school gate will open at 8.40am and will shut at 9.00am – this extended opening is to facilitate a more socially distanced entry into school. Where possible, and when your child is confident, please encourage them to walk to their classrooms independently to reduce the number of people on site.
  • Parents are asked to enter the school via the side gate by the bike rack and accompany their children to the back door of their classroom. Parents will then continue in an anti-clockwise direction around the school and exit via the small gate onto the front carpark. 
  • At the end of the day, we ask parents to enter through the small gate in the corner of front staff car park at 3.10pm and move around school in a clockwise direction, again collecting children from classroom backdoors, before exiting the school via the side gate by the bike rack. Collection will be between 3.15pm and 3.30pm. This is because we want to avoid asking parents to walk through the car park with children and younger siblings. Parents are asked to leave the school site as soon as children are dropped off or collected to ensure the smooth flow of the one-way system. 
  • Again, parents are asked to collect their children from the exterior door of their classrooms. 
  • Parents are asked to obey strict 1+ metre social distancing requirements at all times whilst on the school site and ensure that children adhere to this as well. We also ask parents not to congregate outside the school in groups before the gate is unlocked in the morning or in the afternoon. 


  • Parents are asked to provide a SMALL pencil case containing a pencil, a ruler, pencil crayons, a pen and a ruler. This is to minimise as far as possible the sharing of equipment.