
Dear Parents,

Your child was given the option to take a homework sheet today to discuss and do with you at home. All children found this unit a challenge in school this week so I thought it may be a good idea to have a look at the mass of your store cupboard items at home. They may also enjoy learning how to use your weighing scales. There is absolutely no pressure to do this or to hand the sheet in. After speaking to many of you at parents evening about ways in which you can support your child at home, I thought you may appreciate it.

Please continue to read with your child & sign their reading record and practice times tables. Mrs Knowler will be sending spellings home tomorrow to be tested the following Friday. I did not give the children any over half term to learn for a test tomorrow.

If anyone has any queries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. My email is:


Thank you for your support.

Mrs Smout