Way of Working

Pontesbury C. E. (Controlled) Primary School is totally committed to equal opportunities. Our commitment is reflected in all aspects of school life and great care is taken to ensure that no child is treated differently for reasons of gender, race, faith or ability.

The policy of the school ensures that within each class the children are taught individually, in small groups and as a whole class group. All classes are mixed ability and activities are carefully matched to the specific needs and abilities of individual children.

Much of the work of the children is based on the direct experiences of the children exploring their world, and we therefore use the area around the school or more distant locations that can be studied during school visits, as starting points for study.

We develop first hand experience with further study using secondary resources (e.g. , reference books, educational apps & internet sites, dvds, CD – ROMs), discussion, and direct teaching, and we aim to challenge the children’s thinking by providing problem solving activities while the children are learning skills and gaining factual knowledge.

The programmes of study for the National Curriculum subjects are implemented as required by the Department for Education. Many areas of the curriculum are integrated into a single theme followed for an appropriate period of time, but aspects that do not fit sensibly into the theme are taught separately.