School Rules

  1. Be kind and polite to everyone.
  2. Always try to be punctual in school.
  3. Always come to school appropriately dressed.
  4. Look after our school.
  5. Respect the property of others.
  6. Keep yourself and others safe.
  7. Follow instructions given by staff.
  8. Always move around school in a quiet and orderly fashion.
  9. Bring only healthy snacks for break times.

Most sets of rules have one or two ‘don’ts’ as well, and it is helpful for children to understand that usually rules are made for their ultimate benefit, and some of these are prohibitions!

Our tenth rule is one such rule:

10. Please do not wear jewellery to school. Use studs if your ears have been pierced.

We should be most grateful if parents / carers would co-operate with us in the implementation of these rules for the benefit of all.