
As a school we have a strong commitment to the environment, we are also keen to promote healthy lifestyles for all our children and their families. We encourage our children to walk to school wherever possible. This is much easier for children living in the village, however, even those that have to travel by car are encouraged to park a short distance from the school and walk at least part of the way. This is not only of benefit to the health of the children, but also reduces congestion outside the school.

Children may also cycle to school, we actively encourage children who choose to cycle to wear any recommended safety equipment this should include a cycle helmet. Lights and reflective clothing are essential during the winter months.

If, however, you live further away and can only transport your child by car, please note that there are now parking restrictions on Bogey Lane (from the schools to Chapel Street), between 8:30am and 9:00am, Monday to Friday, during term time. The aim of this restriction is to stop cars parking during this crucial period of time, in order to allow the buses to travel along Bogey Lane unimpeded by parked cars. Please only park in official parking areas along the roads, ensuring you are not obstructing any of our neighbours’ driveways.

Directions to our school

Children living further away, may be entitled to travel on a free school bus or alternatively you may be able to purchase a seat on a bus (subject to availability).

Free School Transport application-guidance-notes-2019

Free School Transport-application-march-2019

For further details, please ring Shropshire Council’s School Transport Team on 0345 678 9008 or email


The Walking Bus

This scheme was introduced in 2016 and since the pandemic has stopped (temporarily we hope). If you are interested in leading/supporting our Walking Bus, please get in contact with the school office.