Vision and Values


‘Aim High, Climb Higher.’

Our Vision

We provide a school environment where children are happy, safe, curious and love to learn. With ambition, aspiration and resilience, all our children can achieve their full potential, and with respect, compassion and Christian values, they can become valued Global citizens.


Our school vision ‘Aim High, Climb Higher’ is the heartbeat of our school and is the one thing that we ask of ourselves and the children every single day. Simply put it means ‘Try your best and don’t give up!’


Our vision is harmoniously reflected by Lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD.which reminds us of God’s support and love as we strive to be the best we can be (Psalm 121).



We have 6 core values here at Pontesbury that are embedded throughout our school every day in all aspects of school life. We want children to be:

  • Compassionate
  • Happy
  • Ambitious
  • Resilient
  • Curious
  • Respectful