
Our governors are dedicated to doing the best for Pontesbury CE Primary School.
School Governors (as of June 2023):

  • Staff Governor  – Mr Tom Lowrie-Herz (Headteacher)
  • Staff Governor  –  Mrs Amber Pittaway
  • Co-opted Governor  –  Mrs Ann Thorne (Chair of Governors)
  • Co-opted Governor  –  Mr Ewan Bent
  • Foundation Governor  –  Mrs June Cribb (Vice Chair of Governors)
  • Foundation Governor  –  Rev. Greg Smith
  • Foundation Governor – Mrs Sheila Bower
  • Local Authority Governor  –  Mr David Gregory
  • Parent Governor  –  Mrs Wendy Taylor
  • Parent Governor  –  Mrs Anne-Marie Fleming
  • Parent Governor  –  Ms Sara Robinson
  • Parent Governor  –  Mrs Cheryl Sedgley
  • Associate Governor – Mrs Lesley Hilditch (Deputy Headteacher)

If you wish to contact the governing body please send a letter/email to the school and your communications will be forwarded on.

You can read more documents relating to our Governing body over on our Governance page:

Governance Page