Home learning Wednesday 3rd February

Hi everyone. How are you all? Here are the activities for Wednesday.

Wake Up, Shake UpBig African Animals


Today we will look again at how to ‘give change’. If I buy something that costs 7p and I only have a 10p piece, the difference between the two numbers (7 and 10) is the change. I can work this out by either counting on from 7 until I get to 10, or I can subtract 7 from 10. Either way of working it out is fine.

For those of you struggling to print, you may like to play this game again where you work out change from a 10p. You may like to have a go at change from a 20p if you are feeling confident, but don’t do this unless you are ready. Click on ‘giving change’: change game

It is also really valuable to spend time practising paying for items and working out change in a practical way, so set yourself up with a pretend shop. Keep your prices low until you are confident! I would certainly advise anyone in yellow group for maths to focus on using 1ps, 2ps and 5ps to pay for different items and then to work out change from a 10p piece. The more practice, the better!

Greens for maths: Look carefully at how much change you are given for each of these questions. Is the change right or wrong? check your change

Blues for maths: Choose the sheet (there are three – you only need to do one!) that you feel is right for you. Very few children will be confident at this point with finding change from 30p, but there may be one or two of you who are, with adult help: totals and change


First, go through the flashcards (phase 3, then 5a): Flashcards

Phase 3 graphemes  Phase 5 graphemes

Yesterday, we were looking at adding ‘ing’ to a verb. Can you make new words for each of these verbs by adding ‘ing’? adding ‘ing’ Try to think of some of your own. It helps if children stick to verbs which do not require changing here. (For example, look to looking is easier than dance to dancing, due to the rule of having to drop the ‘e’ which is confusing.)


Watch and listen to ‘Doing the Animal Bop’ by Ormerod and Gardiner: BookTrust – Do the Animal Bop Have a chat about whether you like this poem and why. Did you hear any rhyme? Which words rhyme? There is also alliteration in this book. That’s when words begin with the same sound or have the same sound repeated in them (for example, silly snakes slither). Can you find examples of alliteration in the poem for the animals on the sheet? Maybe you can also think of your own words and add them in the boxes?

Animal Bop alliteration

You may want to put some of your own words into a sentence for one of the animals.


On Wednesdays, the children at school do PE with Crossbar for the afternoon. As we are learning about animals, have a go at this dance session about some rainforest animals! Sloth and leopard

You may also want to have a go at some CosmicKids yoga: Calypso the flamingo

Hope you all have a lovely day. x