Home learning Wednesday 24th February

Hi everyone. Here are our activities for Wednesday.

Wake Up, Shake UpBig African Animals


Starter: Count in ones from any number up to 30 (or beyond if you are in blue group). We are noticing in class that some children are struggling with teen numbers so it may be useful to focus on these.

Today we will be solving sharing problems again. Have a quick chat to recap what it means to share fairly. Tell an adult what ‘equal’ groups means.

There are two problems to choose from today depending on how confident you are. You may want to do both.

Easier problem: Share out the food for the teddies. You may want to have fun using your teddies for this and playfood! sharing-at-the-teddy-bears-picnic

Harder problem:

Here is the link to the 100 square to help you: 100 square

And a number line: online number line


Today we will work on developing our listening skills. Can you guess what is making each of these sounds? Guess the sound You may want to do a little mindfulness after this and stand outside in your garden to see what sounds you can hear!


Do you remember what a verb is? You used some yesterday in your animal kenning when you were thinking about what your animal could do. For example, a horse can jump, eat, drink and gallop (jump, eat, drink and gallop are all verbs). All of these verbs are in the present tense as they are all things that the horse can generally do at any time. Today we will look at adding the suffix ‘ed’ to show that something has already happened. We call this the past tense. Have a watch of this video which helps to explain this. Please only watch the first two minutes. Can you see how all the verbs have an ‘ed’ at the ending if they have happened before or yesterday (in the past)? present and past tense song

Choose one of the sheets to complete, adding ‘ed’ to the verbs. The first sheet is easier. Blue group for English should definitely be completing the second sheet and having a go at writing their own sentences. At the moment, we are only looking at verbs that would need ‘ed’ to be added for the past tense (no verbs ending in ‘e’ already): In-the-Past-Differentiated-Activity-Sheets


Can you record today’s weather like you did yesterday? Is the weather different today? How is it different? You may want to use the template from yesterday’s post.


I am so happy that spring is finally on its way! Have you noticed some more signs of spring where you live? Here is a dance session all about the arrival of spring: Wake up – it’s Spring! You may also enjoy this yoga routine: Lulu the baby lioness

Have a super day, everyone.

Mrs Garcia x