Home learning Wednesday 23rd September

Here is what we are learning in class tomorrow (Wednesday) for anyone unable to come to school.

Wake Up, Shake UpHey Monkey!


Today we will be looking at triangles. Use the sheet to discuss how triangles can look different but they always have three sides. Practise drawing the triangles: triangles

Use straws/pencils/strips of paper to make different types of triangles. Can you make a triangle where all three sides are the same length (equilaterial)? How about a triangle with two longer sides of equal length and one shorter side (isoceles)? Finally, make a triangle where all three sides are of different length (scalene).


Practise singing the alphabet again. Can you say a letter if an adult points to it?

Ask an adult if they will kindly gather some different items from the kitchen that can be made from different materials:

spoons – some wooden, some metal, maybe some plastic

bottles/containers: some plastic, some glass

boxes: cardboard (cereal) boxes, plastic tupperware, wicker boxes etc.

You could use anything around the house for this, as long as you have the same item made from at least two different materials.

Sort the objects into groups. For example, sort the spoons so that all the metal ones are together, all the plastic ones are together and all of the wooden ones are together. Write labels for each of the groups so it is very clear what the item is and what the material is. For example: metal spoons. This is called a noun phrase. Use your sounds to write labels for each of your groups.


We will be looking at what ‘belonging’ means and what groups we belong to. Last week we described our families and talked about our homes. How do you know that you belong to your family? What does it mean to ‘belong’? Can you think of other groups you belong to and how you may show you belong? How do you know you belong to Pontesbury Primary School?! Maybe you belong to other groups where you need to wear certain clothes or follow particular rules. Draw a picture of two groups you belong to and try your best to write words, phrases or sentences to say how you know you belong.


Have a look at ‘A Shark in the Park’ (below) with an adult. Try to read some of the words yourself if you can. How many ‘ar’ words can you find? Write these down everytime you find one.
