Home Learning – Tuesday’s work


Today we continued trying to use mental method to add three digit numbers but today we added on tens.

We discussed which digit in a number would change, sometimes it was just the tens digit, sometimes it was both the tens and hundreds.  We discussed how the ones digit remains the same.  Here are some questions to try.  We looked at how a numberline might help us to count on or we could use our fingers and pretend each finger was worth ten.

adding tens


Today we started our unit of work on performance poetry.  We discussed our Key Vocabulary – beat, expression, rhythm, pitch, dynamics and tempo.  We then watched this clip from Hey Duggee and listened to the poem.  We discussed the rhythm and how the tempo changed in different parts.  We had a go a performing the poem together.

Hey Duggee Poem


This afternoon we started our new unit of dance in the hall. Try this video to get you warmed up ready for next week.


Please also read your reading book.