Home learning Tuesday 9th February

Hi everyone. Well, so far we haven’t had much snow but let’s see what today brings! Here are the activities for Tuesday.

Wake Up, Shake Up: Pizza Dough Boogie


Today we are learning about mass. How do we find out how heavy something is? Can you find something in your house that is very light? What about something heavy? How do you know how heavy or how light something is? Hold a toy in each hand and compare how heavy they feel. Which one is heavier?

Yellows for maths: Look around your house for items that are heavy and items that are light. Put all of your light things in one group and then make another group for heavy. Then, try to order your things from the lightest to the heaviest!

Greens for maths: Look at the pictures on the sheet and order them from Lightest to heaviest

Blues for maths: Start with the task for green group. If you would like an extra task, see if you can find things in your house that weigh:

more than a cup

less than a cup

about the same as a cup

Can you put these items in order, too, according to how heavy they are?

You may enjoy watching this funny video from Sesame Street! Heavy and Light


How did you get on with verbs yesterday? It was tricky, wasn’t it?! Today we are going to remind ourselves what adjectives are. Can you remember? Adjectives are describing words. For example: little, big, colourful, amazing, bright. Maybe you can think of some more?

Choose your favourite animal in ‘Doing the Animal Bop’. Doing the Animal Bop

Look at the picture from the book for this animal. Can you write down five adjectives to describe this animal? Now put each one of these adjectives into a sentence about your animal, using a capital letter and a full stop.


Well, I’ll be glad when spring is here! The children at school have noticed some signs of spring around the school grounds. What do you think may be some of the things they have seen? Go into your garden or for a walk and see if you can spot any clues that spring is on its way. Draw, write or just have a really good chat about what you see.


Have a quick chat to recap some of the ways in which differnet things move. Can you remember any of the words from last week (push, pull, turn, twist etc)? Some things need handles or levers to make them work. Can you think of anything that may use a lever? Have a read of the instructions for making a basic lever and use the template to make one based on ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. For the actual lever you may want to just cut a strip out of a piece of paper. I also would disregard the use of the split pin and cut a hole behind the beanstalk for Jack to appear from! What happens when you push on the lever? Jack should pop up on the beanstalk! lever instructions Jack and the Beanstalk Lever


Start by going through the flashcards: Flashcards

Today we are looking at the use of ‘er’ and ‘est’ which we add to adjectives when we are comparing them. You came across these this morning when you were using words like ‘lightest’ and ‘heavier’.

Can you add ‘er’ and ‘est’ to the adjectives and then put the words into sentences to compare each of the three pictures? adding er and est

Have a wonderful day, everyone.

Mrs Garcia x