Home learning Thursday 28th January

Hello, everyone. How are you all? Here are our activities for Thursday.

Wake Up, Shake Up: Pirate


Today, we are going to be learning about arrays. An array is simply an arrangement of things (normally counters) so we can count in multiples or ‘lots of’ to find a total. Have a look at the PowerPoint: Amazing-Arrays-PowerPoint

Yellows for maths: Count in 2s, 5s or 10s to find out how many altogether. You are not allowed to count in ones! All At Sea

Greens and blues for maths: Make Arrays

If you find this confusing, look at the number for which you need to make the array and use counters (buttons, pasta, Lego bricks etc) to make make the array. Arrange the counters into rows/columns of equal length.

You may enjoy looking at this activity from Topmarks. Gordon’s Multiplication

Click on a picture in the ‘array’ section to play. You will then be shown an array. How many are in the top row? Can you count in that number the right amount of times (so the number of rows) to find the total? You can also look at the array the other way too, and look at how many are in each column. How many columns are there? We want to be working on arrays which require counting in 2s, 5s or 10s so please click ‘again’ to get an array which matches our learning! There is no expectation at this point for children to understand or use the multiplication symbol, though I appreciate that there are a few higher ability children who do understand this and may want to have a go at writing the matching number sentence.


Last week’s ‘Where’s Wally?’ pictures were super! I hope you had fun making them. This week, we will use the same website to practise adding words, phrases and sentences to images. Choose the template which allows you to write underneath the picture. Then, click and drag an animal of your choice into the box. Start typing in the caption box underneath. Try to aim for a full sentence. If you are in yellow group for English, you may want to just type in the name of the animal using the computer keyboard. Junior Infant Tools – Mix

Hopefully, you’ll end up with something that looks a little like this:


Feel free to add as much information as you want to! You may want to write about where your animal lives or what it eats. The science work later on today may help with this.


We will build on the work you did yesterday, using ‘s’ or ‘es’ to make plurals. Can you remember the rule for when you would add ‘es’ to turn one thing into more than one? Have a look at the animals on the sheet. Less confident children may want to choose the second document where each animal is already spelt for you. More confident children should be choosing the sheet with the pictures and using their sounds to write out the names of the animals.

Would you add ‘s’ or ‘es’ to each of these animals to make them more than one? animal plurals


Last week, we looked at grouping animals according to what they eat. Do you remember what ‘carnivore’, ‘herbivore’ and ‘omnivore’ mean?

Think about your favourite animal. Is it a carnivore, a herbivore or an omnivore? How do you know? Use this template to create a factfile all about your favourite animal: animal factfile


Start by going through the flashcards: Flashcards

If your child struggles with phonics, work today on ‘ch’. Jolly Phonics ‘ch’. What can you find around your house that starts with ‘ch’?

Today, we are looking at a-e (‘a split e’). Watch Geraldine Giraffe: Geraldine Giraffe learns ‘a-e’ Can you write the words to match the pictures? a-e words

Have a great day, everyone. x