Home learning Thursday 20th January

Hello, everyone. Here are our activities for Thursday.

Wake Up, Shake UpGo Go Mango


Starter: Play ‘guess the number’ using this interactive: Thinking of a number

I know that Flash is being a bit temperamental right now as it is being phased out or something, so apologies if the activity won’t work. If it doesn’t, invite your child to find out clues about a number by asking questions such as:

Is it odd/even?

Is it less/more than…?

Is it between …and …?

Does it have two digits?

For most children, you will need to stick to numbers within 20. Confident children may be able to cope with larger numbers. It also may help your child to be able to see a 100 square/20 rectangle as you play this: online 100 square

Look again at the 3D shapes you found around your house and coloured in yesterday. Have a chat about the names of the shapes and describe their faces. Can you point to the edges on each of the shapes? What about the vertices (the pointy bits!)?

Look at the pictures of the items and sort them according to their 3D shape:3D shape sorting Can you add any of your own drawings of things that may belong in the shape groups? If you are in blue group, you may want to use this Venn diagram when you sort the pictures. Which of the shapes would go in the middle section? (Those that have some flat faces AND some curved faces!) Venn diagram sorting 3D shapes


Do you know the ‘Where’s Wally?’ books? You may remember that there is a lot going on in the pictures in those books and it is very tricky to see where Wally actually is! Have fun today creating your own ‘Where’s Wally?’ style picture. Start by watching this short video:

Then, visit the website and see if you can create your own picture! https://www.j2e.com/jit5#paint


Recap how stories have a beginning, a middle and an end. Use a familiar Julia Donaldson story to discuss what happens at the beginning, the middle and at the end of the story. Do you remember how we said that stories often have problems in them? What is the problem in your favourite Julia Donaldson story?

Can you come up with an idea for a brand new story in the style of Julia Donaldson? You already have a main character: the beast you created yesterday!

Today, let’s think about the setting. What does ‘setting’ mean? Have you noticed that a lot of Julia Donaldson stories are set in the woods? You may choose a forest for your setting or you may choose something completely different. Looking again at the beast you created may help you to decide this!

I would like you to draw a picture of your setting and write some descriptive words, phrases or sentences to go with it. Try to use some really ambitious vocabulary.

For those of you who may be less than keen to write, you may try this online version and type your ideas instead! Junior Infant Tools – Write You can pick and choose a ‘template’ for your background and then type your ideas in the box underneath. Try to be as imaginative as possible!


Today, we are looking at carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. What do these words mean? Start by watching the clip: carnivores, herbivores and omnivores

Think about the pet you drew last week. What group would this animal fit into it and why? Can you find out about 5 different animals and what they eat. Are they carnivores, herbivores or omnivores? Divide your page into three sections for each of these groups and draw in your animals.

What group would humans belong to?!


Run through the flashcards again: Flashcards

If this won’t work, use the websites: Phase 3 graphemes

Phase 5 graphemes

Let’s look today at ‘ey’. Watch the Geraldine Giraffe video: Geraldine Giraffe learns ‘ey’

What can you find around your house that has ‘ey’ in it? Practise writing down words to match what you find.

For children who find phonics tricky, watch this video for ‘z’ and then see what you can find that has a ‘z’ in it! ‘z’ song

Have a wonderful day, everyone.

Mrs Garcia x