Home learning Room 2


All week, we have been practising our take away skills by subtracting 1’s, 10’s and 100’s from a 3 digit number. Today, we have tried to use these skills to answer some worded problems.

Below are a couple of typical subtraction questions. You can use these numbers or slightly change them to a lower number you feel more confident with. If you are unsure, use a number line to jump back to help you.

subtraction word problems


We have been looking at starting sentences off differently using fronted adverbials. Fronted Adverbials are used to describe the verb in the sentence and usually describes where, when or where the action in the sentence is taking place.

For example.

On Tuesday morning, Joe walked to the shops. (When)

Nervously, I opened the door. (How/manner)

On the beach, Mary Anning found her first fossil. (Where)

Below are examples of fronted adverbials. See if you can create your own sentences using the adverbials given.

fronted adverbials