Home learning Room 2

Below is our first Quiz of the Week. These quizzes are a great way to open up a discussion with your children about what they have learnt this week and would also be a useful way to help everybody recall key knowledge.

9.10.20 – Quiz of the week


We have been learning our x3 table and remember that we use ‘lots of’ to help us remember. Below are a few x3 target boards. You must multiply the numbers on the inside by 3. Be careful, if the answer has already been given, you must do the inverse and divide.

x3 target boards


We are continuing our research of Mary Anning. Here are a couple of more questions you can find out the answers to. They will help with our biography writing.

  1. Can you name her three biggest fossil finds? What dates did she find them on?
  2. Why was the church uncomfortable with Mary’s fossil finds. What idea did they challenge?
  3. Why did Mary become frustrated with the ‘Men of Science’?



We are planning an investigation into the permeability of soil after the recent Shropshire floods. We have learnt that there are 6 different types of soil: Loam, Silt, Peaty, Chalky, Clay, Sandy. Which soil do you think would be the most permeable and allow water to drain through or the least permeable?

Follow these instructions to create your own investigation.

Activity Sheet Soil Permeability