Home learning Room 2

For those of you at home, here is what we have been learning about in order for you to try at home.


We have been handling and learning all about the properties of 3D shapes. We have talked about their faces, edges (where the faces meet) and their vertices (where the edges come together- a fancy name for a ‘corner’ but ssshhhh, don’t tell anyone I said that!)

Here is one of the sheets we had a go at completing, see if you can try it at home.

3d shapes


We have been recently looking into the exciting life of Mary Anning, a paleontologist/fossil hunter!

Watch this 12 minute dramatisation about her life called ‘Mary Anning’ on BBC teach. Over the course of each day we have been writing a diary entry as if we were Mary about her first famous discovery.   We have looked at how Mary must have felt to find this curiosity and the patience she needed chip away at the slate to discover it. Below are the notes we have organise into order and broken down into paragraphs. Use them to help you structure your work. Have a go and see where your imagination takes you.

Mary Anning notes


We have made a compost bin because we have been looking at the different layers of soil and their importance. Follow these instructions and have a go!

Creating a Mini Compost Bin Instruction Sheet