Home learning Room 2


We have carried on with our re-telling of ‘The Stone Age Boy’. In particular, we have written about hunting for the reindeer and Om taking the little boy to the Stone Age people’s ‘special place’ which is a cave full of wonderful paintings. We talked about what the paintings could be of on the walls of the cave and how the cave might be described. What could you touch, smell or feel?



In maths, we have had a go at being able to number a number line correctly based on the scale of it. We have talked about how we must read the scale first. For example, if we know the scale is 0-100 we should know roughly where to place 50 and why and then 25 and even 75 etc. Where might 90 go and why? What about 51? etc We played a game involving two dice which are rolled and then you choose which way round the 2 digit number will be. The aim of the game if for you to label the number line with 3 numbers that follow on from one another before your partner blocks you with their numbers. If you get three consecutive numbers, you win! The class had a great go at this and Mrs Davies was beaten many time by some of the children in the class!


We have continued with learning our weekly spellings for our test tomorrow. Perhaps the children can practise them in a sentence so they know how to use the word properly?


We have played detectives today by studying different fossils of dinosaurs and working our which fossil matched which dinosaur before it died. The children looked for recognisable features like large plates on its back, three horns for a Triceratops, the shape of it’s head etc. We then looked at how fossils are made and ordered the stages.