Home learning Monday 22nd February

Hi everyone. I hope you all had a great half term and made the most of some very mild weather! Here are our activities for Monday.

Wake Up, Shake UpGo Go Mango


Today we are revising counting in lots of 2s, 5s and 10s as tomorrow we will be using this skill to help us with sharing questions.

Starter: Count in 2s, 5s and then 10s. Display the 100 square if you need to. If you are feeling confident, see if you can count without looking at it (up to the tenth multiple). Can you count backwards too?! online 100 square

If you are in yellow group for maths: Work out how many bugs there are altogether. You are not allowed to count in ones! How many bugs?

Greens: Count in the right number to find the totals. counting in multiples

Blues:  Have a go at the sheet for the green group and then move on to this one. Gingerbread men

If printing is a problem, I would suggest looking at the right sheet on the screen and working out the answers without writing anything down. It is the counting that is important.

Have a watch of this video and see how counting in multiples can help in real life. Don’t worry at this stage of understanding the multiplication and division symbols: counting in 2s, 5s and 10s


Set yourself up with spellings for this week. Please choose the most suitable words. They should be achievable yet offer some sort of challenge. Where this is a capital letter, your child should be using this in their test too! Look Say Cover grid

Yellow spellings: chip, chop, ship, shop

Green spellings: Phil, dolphin, graph, they, my

Pinks: dolphin, phew, Phil, phantom, like, have

Purples: phone, nephew, phonics, alphabet, Mr, Mrs


Quickly recap the different features of poetry that we have looked at before half term. Can you remember what these are?: alliteration, rhyme, onomatopoeia.

What do you remember about verbs? Can you think of some verbs and write some of these down? Stick to verbs here which will not require any changes to be made when a suffix is added! Try not to include any verbs that end in an ‘e’. What happens when we add ‘er’? For example: play becomes player, drink becomes drinker, look becomes looker, teach becomes teacher. 

Look at this selection of short poems called kennings. Can you guess what animal each kenning is describing before you look at the answers? kenning_examples

What do you notice about how the poems are written? How are the words arranged? How many words are there on one line? Is there rhyme?

Write nouns on the sheet to complete each of the kenning-style phrases all about yourself. kennings lesson 1 nouns


Today we are learning about ourselves as animals! How many different body parts can you name? Maybe you could sing a round of ‘Head, shoulders, knees and toes’ to refamiliarise yourself with different parts of the body. Have a watch of this video and try the activity: The Human Body

Choose one of the sheets here to work through. The task gets harder throughout the file, so those of you feeling more confident may want to try page 7 and 8 (you may also need the body parts on page 5). Only print what you need. Alternatively, you could draw your own body outline on a piece of paper and label it that way. If the weather stays mild and you have chalk, you could ask an older brother or sister to draw around you on a patio outside (check with parents first!!)! The Human Body Activity Sheet


Have a run through of the flashcards: Flashcards

You now know at least three different ways to write the ‘ee’ sound! Can you remember these three ways? (‘ee’, ‘ea’ and ‘e-e’) You may also remember ‘ey’ and ‘y’!

Can you spot words containing these different spellings in this postcard? ee,ea-phoneme-spotter-postcard

You may prefer to do this task online, or may want to have a go at some of the word sorting games on Phonics Play: alternative spellings

Have a super day everyone,

Mrs Garcia x