Home Learning Monday 15.11.21

This week is assessment week across the school.  We will complete a range of tests this week just to help children become more familiar with them and to help us know which areas we need to focus on in the coming weeks.

Please have a go at the following tests.



The mark scheme is at the end.

English – Today we completed a reading test please complete the paper below.  There is a booklet to read and then questions to answer.

Reading Assessment Booklet

Reading Assessment Answer Booklet

Reading Assessment Mark Scheme


This afternoon we began investigating world population.  Have a look at the slides below and try the worksheet.  We use the ipads to research answers to our questions.  There may be differences on some different websites so just find one you think is sensible.

Population Monday

Lesson 1 sheet – Copy


This afternoon we have also continued looking at the work of William Morris.  We will de designing and creating our own little piece of wallpaper using printing techniques.

We used the ipads to look at images of William Morris designs and then created a sketch book page of ideas just focusing on the leafy backgrounds and patterns.  We tried drawing different designs of leaves that we liked.  Please just do this on plain paper.