Home learning Friday 5th February

Can you believe it’s Friday again?! The end of the week seems to come round very quickly! Here are Friday’s activities.

Wake Up, Shake UpGo Go Mango


As it’s Friday, it’s time to do some problem solving. Our problems today involve money and finding different possibilities to answer a question. Greens for maths may want to choose which puzzle they solve today depending on their confidence with handling money. Children will need to use coins today to help them.

Yellows/greens: Look at the problem below and find 5 different ways to make 6p. If you manage that, then try making a total of 7p. We are not dealing with change today! Your totals have to come to exactly 6p, then 7p.


Greens/blues: Add three coins together at a time to make totals no higher than 20p (it doesn’t need to come to exactly 20p).

Ride at the fair

Spelling test

See how well you do on your spellings today and, if you are keeping a record, write your score down in your spelling folder.


Can you remember what ‘pitch’ means? Different tuned instruments (so not most percussion instruments) produce different notes depending on where and how buttons or strings are pressed. Can you think of an instrument that makes notes when it is:


plucked (has strings)

pressed (keyed)?

Maybe you have an instrument in your house and someone who is skilled at playing it. If possible, have a look at this instrument and ask the player to demonstrate how they change the note produced by pressing on different buttons, keys or places on a string. You may want to have a go at making your own instrument at home using a tissue box (or similar) and some elastic bands. How to make an elastic band guitar What happens when you ‘pluck’ one of the bands? Does it make a sound? Do all the elastic bands make the same sound/note?

The activity below allows you to have fun creating different notes and your own music. You can also change the speed of your composition. We call this the ‘tempo’. Have fun being really creative!

Music Maker


On Friday afternoons, the children at school enjoy yoga and then choosing time. Here is a fun yoga for you to have a go at: Stezzi the Parrot

Treat yourself to a playtime, playing with your favourite toys. If the weather is nice, have a play outside or enjoy a lovely walk.

Wishing you all a super weekend. Keep warm!!

Mrs Garcia x