Home learning Friday 22nd January

Well done for getting through another challenging week! Here are our activities for Friday.

Wake Up, Shake UpPizza Dough Boogie

Spelling test: See how you get on with your spellings today. Will you be a super speller?! If you have your spelling folder at home, then write your score in. New spellings will appear on the post for Monday.


Enjoy playing ‘guess the number’ again. Thinking of a number

If this activity won’t work, then – as yesterday – an adult will need to give you clues (see yesterday’s post for a reminder of the questions they could ask!)

Today we are problem solving. What do we mean by ‘perseverance’? Can you think of a time when you have kept going even when something was really challenging? Sometimes, problem solving tasks can be frustrating because we don’t always find the solution straight away. The important thing is to keep going!

Have a go at this problem which involves you to find as many possibilities as possible:

3 Ball Line Up

If you prefer, you can try this activity with counters instead and record the different ways of arranging the balls that you find. If you want to make it tricker, try using four different coloured counters/balls.


Start by discussing again what ‘pitch’ means. Can you speak in a high pitched voice? What about a low pitched voice?

Listen to this piece of classical music: The Crab and the Egret

Listen out for parts of the music that are played in a high pitch. Does the music stay at the same pitch? Are there any instruments playing low pitched sounds? Have you any ideas what instruments might be playing in this piece?

There are some percussion instruments playing in this piece of music. Do you remember when we used percussion instruments for our retelling of the Bear Hunt story? Percussion involves things like drums, tambourines, click sticks and triangles. Have an explore around your house – the recycling is a good place to start – and see if you can find three different items which will serve as homemade percussion instruments. Can you make sure each of the items plays a different sound? Have fun listening to The Crab and the Egret again, this time joining in with your instruments!


If you haven’t already, have a read of this information about Tudor childhood:


What was it like to be a Tudor child? Would you like to have lived then? Why? Why not?

The Tudors did not eat very healthily! Earlier this week, you designed a healthy meal or packed lunch that you could eat. Today, I’d like you to pretend you are living in Tudor times and draw a meal that you may have eaten. It will make a difference if you decide that you want to pretend to be a poor Tudor child or a rich Tudor child!

Below are some useful websites to help you find out more about Tudor food. This video is a good place to start: Preparing a Tudor Banquet



I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Mts Garcia x