Home learning Friday 12th February

Well done, everyone, for making it to the end of term. It’s certainly been a challenging one. Thank you for all of your hard work and efforts in supporting your child with their learning at home. We all appreciate that this may be no easy feat. Here’s what we are doing on this last day before a well-deserved break.

Wake Up, Shake Up: Big, Blue Whale

Spelling test: Ask an adult to dictate each of your spelling words to you. Write them without looking! If you have your spelling folder then write your score in. Please note, there will be no spellings to do over half term.


Can you remember what ‘tempo’ means? ‘Tempo’ means whether music is slow or fast or somewhere in between! Watch this video and join in: tempo video

Last week we were looking at different sorts of instruments and how they are played. Can you sort the instruments according to how a person would play them? Do they have strings so may be plucked or bowed? Would you need to blow in order to make a sound? Do they have buttons or keys that need to be pressed? Are they percussion instruments that you need to tap or hit with a stick? Musical-instrument-cards

If printing is a problem, you may want to learn more about different instruments by looking at this website: BBC Teach instruments


Starter: Count up to 50, starting at any number. Try doing it without the 100 square if you are confident. 100 square

Over the last two days, we have been looking at how to use balancing scales to find the weight of an object or to compare the mass of two different things. Some of you have told me that you don’t have these sorts of scales at home but maybe you know an older person who has. Not many people use balancing scales any more. Can you find out how you weigh things in your kitchen? What do you use?

Did you find out that your adult uses kitchen scales? Have fun today exploring how kitchen scales are used for real-life purposes. Maybe you could make a cake to celebrate Chinese New Year or the fact that it is now half term!

How heavy are each of the objects on these kitchen scales? reading scales

Afternoon fun

Treat yourself this afternoon to some fun. Play with your favourite toys or go out for a lovely bike ride. Today is Chinese New Year so maybe you’d like to do some craft activities to celebrate the Year of the Ox: Chinese New Year activities

Gung hay fat choy!

Wishing you all a relaxing half term,

Mrs Garcia, Mrs Roberts and Mrs Davies. x