Home learning for Wednesday 16th September

Hi everyone,

Here is what we are doing tomorrow for anyone who needs to access school work from home. Please note, this is only for those who cannot come to school! It is not extra work!


We are looking at taking away, which for many children will be brand new. Pretend you have 5 cupcakes or pieces of fruit. What happens if one gets eaten?! How many do you have now? Start with all 5 again. This time, 2 get eaten. How many are left?

Here is the sheet that we will be completing in class:

subtraction within 5 cupcakes


Today we have continued to think about adjectives and have been describing the settings in, ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’. Fill in the gaps on the sheet using your own words, sounding out carefully. We’re going on a bear hunt – adjectives

The two lines at the bottom of each section are for you to sound out words to describe what it sounds like when the family on the bear hunt ‘have to go through it’. For example, the grass makes a ‘swishy, swashy’ noise so I may write:

swishy swashy

swishy swashy

Feel free to choose your own ideas!


We will be talking about how we are all different, unique and special. What is special about you? Can you draw a picture of yourself, your home or your family? Think about  what may be special about your family or where you live. You can write some words on your picture if you want to!